How can you make the most out of Osu!?

So... You decided to start playing Osu! congratulations.
Now Osu! can be a really addictive game and can negatively affect your life IF you are not careful. But it doesn't have to be this way. You can actually somehow even benefit from playing Osu! and I am going to tell you how in this three step guide.

Watch the animation about how Osu! changes billies life.

Now that you have seen the video, you should know what kinds of things can change in you after playing Osu! for some time. You've seen that these changes can be somewhat troublesome and even beneficial. But how can you get the most of these beneficial changes and minimize the troublesome ones. For example in the video Billie has used his consistency from Osu! to other hobbies. But how do you achieve that? Well, you are going learn about that in the step 2.

Maximizing the benefits of Osu!

Now if you want to grow as a person with the help of Osu! you should think that Osu! is just a hobby like any other. That is because many people have this tendency to think that playing video games is a complete waste of time and they feel ashamed about theirselves if they play video games. You don't want to have any harmful thoughts and it is a lot better to just think that this game is just a thing that i'm interested in and it is a part of my personality.

When you stop hating yourself for playing a game like Osu! you suddenly start enjoying the game a lot more and that has a positive impact in many ways.

Start thinking of Osu! as a hobby and be consistent with it. Allow yourself to play it everyday. Maybe take one day a week off. If you do that, you'll most likely start to improve more in the game. Once it becomes a habit like any other, observe how you can just start doing this thing you like so much without almost any effort.This is the key!
You know how it feels to be consistent with something and how easy it is to do this thing that is already a habit.
The same thing applies for any other hobby or thing. You use your knowledge and skill about consistency from Osu! and apply it to other hobbies or whatever it is that you want to do. With consistency you'll achieve so many things in life. Just remember to be very proud of these achievements.

Important to know about consistency!

If possible, do it everyday at the same time. For example, play Osu! only from six to eight o'clock everyday. Pick the time that works best with your personal life, and doesn't negatively affect your other aspects of life.
Do it if you really like it. It is so much easier to do things with consistency if you actually like it.
Don't overdo it. For example don't play Osu! 10 hours at once because at least for me the next day I somehow lose all interest in Osu! and that is not sustainable way to do things. It has to be exciting every time you do it.
Make goals. Always have some sort of goal that you are going for. It makes the thing you do feel a lot more rewarding in the long run and you most likely try to perform better for that goal.
If possible, limit distractions. When you do your thing, for the best results to happen, you have to have an ideal space for your thing with less distractions. Even small changes do the trick.

What else than consistency?

There is still more real life benefits that you can learn from Osu!.Having a healthy ego.
Little bit of ego is good, but in Osu! too much ego can be really a troublesome thing and it is better to just let it go. For example with high ego you might find yourself comparing yourself to other Osu! players thinking "This guy sucks and that guy is ass!" and when there's a player better than you with maybe less hours in the game, it feels like all you've done has gone waste. You hate yourself for not being good enough. That is really bad for your mentality and really does not give any benefits.
Don't be hard on yourself if you are not as good as you would want yourself to be.You should be comparing yourself to only your older self. If you are not improving or you are getting worse, observe what could be wrong and learn from your mistakes. Don't blame and hate yourself for it.Being humble.
Sometimes things doesn't go your way and in Osu! that happens very often. Accept the fact that you didn't succeed in that one thing or that another thing. In most cases, anything doesn't really happen or affect your life, but it might just feel little bad in the moment. This is a thing that you can explore at your own more and it is a really beautiful skill to have.

How to diminish the negative effects of Osu!? Well, I am going to tell you just that in the step 3.

Diminishing the negatives of Osu!

I have covered up the most important things in the step 2 but to make this a three step guide, here's some quick tips for you.

Maybe chill out with maps with weird backgrounds so you don't have to explain many things for your parents or someone else.
Don't play Osu! for too long per day. It can be harmful for your body and maybe even mentally.
If possible, don't make Osu! your whole personality. Other people can get tired of it.
Can't get a girlfriend? Sorry can't help with that.
Staring at circles for a long time can be tiring for your eyes. So maybe go take a walk or close your eyes and relax a bit.
Know when to stop playing.
You have to stop playing Osu! to do basic important things like eating food and sleeping. It can be fun but you have to stop sometimes.
Don't only play Osu!. Have other fun hobbies in your life at the same time if it's possible.
People think bad of you because you play Osu!. Give them haters that 3 hour long lecture about your top scores and how much PP you have. They'll definetly like it and think you are cool.
No just kidding. Don't even bother with these people, better that way.

There is still a lot more things that I could put in this website but it would a long ass site if I did that and that is not my intention.Here is already a lot of information to think about but don't worry, it is not that deep. Just enjoy the game and have a tons of fun with Osu!.

You have now reached the end of this website.Congrats!I sure hope that you could get something out of this project. In the best case scenario a laugh and a smile in the face.Stay positive and play Osu!

Website made by: Kuutti